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What is Snoring?
Snoring is a loud, often disruptive noise during sleep when airflow causes tissues in the back of the throat to vibrate. While mostly perceived as a mere nuisance, it could potentially indicate the presence of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) - with serious health implications.
Symptoms of Snoring
Snoring can manifest in various ways, often unnoticed by the person affected. Bed partners or family members more commonly observe these symptoms.
Treatment of Snoring
Sleep position can significantly affect snoring levels. Notably, sleeping on your back may escalate snoring due to the tongue falling backwards, narrowing the airway. A potential remedy is to train yourself to sleep on your side. Alternatively, surgery to remove tonsils that narrow the oral airway and stiffen the palate muscles can effectively treat snoring.
Breathe better, Sleep better. Contact Aspire Ear Nose Throat and Snoring Clinic for a consultation today.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
What's Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes the upper airway to constrict excessively during sleep - sometimes to the point of complete blockage. This process is like holding your breath underwater, leading to a severe drop in blood oxygen levels and disrupted sleep, as your brain strives to keep you awake and breathing.
Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea has several signs and symptoms, often heard or seen by others long before we recognise them ourselves. It affects both daytime and night-time routines.
During sleep:
Loud, chronic snoring
Intermittent pauses in breathing
Choking or gasping for air
Restless tossing and turning
Getting up to pass urine
During the day:
Morning headaches
Excessive sleepiness
Frequent napping
Difficulty concentrating
It's crucial to understand that not everyone who snores suffers from obstructive sleep apnoea. The diagnosis of sleep apnoea is made only with a polysomnogram or sleep study.
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnoea requires a personalised treatment plan factoring in your individual health history, lifestyle, and severity of symptoms.
Lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol intake. Furthermore, changing your sleep position from lying on your back can alleviate symptoms.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy that involves wearing a mask over your nose and/or mouth while you sleep, which is connected to a machine that delivers air at high pressures to keep your airways open.
Oral Appliance Therapy which involves custom-fitted dental devices that help keep the airway open.
In certain complex instances, surgery may be recommended to remove excess tissue from the throat or nose, or to reposition the jaw.
Don't let sleep apnoea continue to compromise your quality of life. Contact Dr Valerie Tay at Aspire ENT Clinic today to discuss your symptoms and explore the most effective treatment options.
Don't let ENT conditions hold you back.
Connect with us at Aspire ENT clinic today, and take the first step towards a better quality of life.
If you are experiencing any concerns related to your Ear, Nose, or Throat health, contact us at Aspire Ear, Nose Throat and Snoring Clinic. Dr Valerie Tay is here to help you breathe well, sleep well, eat well, and live well.
Aspire Ear, Nose, Throat and Snoring Clinic
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre #06-10,
3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510
Opening Hours (by appointment only)
Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 4.30 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 12 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Contact Details
Tel: +65 6592 2118
Mobile: +65 9358 8060
Email: enquiry@aspire-ent.com