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What is Rhinitis?
If you notice your child frequently rubbing his nose, sneezing and using up wads of tissue at home, he has inflammation of the nasal lining, causing irritation and increased mucus production. This is known as rhinitis. It is most commonly due to allergic rhinitis but can also be due to viral infections or bacterial sinusitis.
Symptoms of Rhinitis
Children with rhinitis may exhibit the following:
Sneezing and nasal itching
Runny nose with watery mucus
Congestion, which may cause discomfort or difficulty breathing
A crease above the tip of the nose due to frequent nose-wiping
Mouth breathing
Treatment of Childhood Rhinitis
When managing Rhinitis in children, our approach is tailored to your child. A comprehensive evaluation process is conducted in a gentle and friendly manner to guarantee your child's comfort and ease. We will assess the nasal anatomy and determine if the adenoids are enlarged, which can act as a reservoir for bacteria, causing recurrent infections. Treatment may include intranasal steroids and antihistamines, or antibiotics in the presence of bacterial infections.
Contact us at Aspire ENT if your child is suffering from rhinitis symptoms.
Nosebleeds in Kids
What are Nosebleeds in Children?
Nosebleeds in kids can be alarming. However, it's a common occurrence and usually nothing to worry about. The culprit is often a tiny blood vessel in the nose that gets injured and bleeds until a clot forms to stop it. However, seeking medical attention is best if your child has frequent nosebleeds or heavy blood flow.
Why Does My Child Get Nosebleeds?
Several reasons can cause nosebleeds in children:
Respiratory Infections and Allergies: inflamed nasal linings are more prone to bleeding during viral infections or in the presence of allergic rhinitis, especially if there is frequent nose blowing and manipulation of the nasal tissues.
Dry Air: Being in an airconditioned environment can dry out the lining of the nose, causing the skin to tear and bleed.
Nose Picking: kids are notorious nose pickers, which can damage the skin lining and blood vessels.
Physical Trauma: accidental bumps or knocks can cause the skin inside the nose to break and bleed.
Foreign Objects: anything stuck in a nose can inflame or damage the skin lining, leading to nosebleeds.
Tumours: although very rare, certain tumours in children can cause nosebleeds.
Treatment of Nosebleeds in Children
If your child's nosebleeds persist or occur frequently, it might be time to see an ENT surgeon to examine the nasal passage using a video nasoendoscopy (a flexible tube with a video camera at the end).
Treatment of the underlying cause, such as allergic rhinitis, usually helps to reduce the severity and frequency of the nose bleeds. Moisturising the nose lining with emollients is often helpful as well.
If the bleeding site can be identified on nasoendoscopy, the ENT surgeon can use various methods to stop the bleeding. This includes cautery of the blood vessels, where controlled heat is applied to "burn" and close off the blood vessels. This can be done under local or general anaesthesia.
Getting nosebleeds under control can greatly improve your child's comfort and quality of life. Contact us at Aspire ENT and let Dr Valerie Tay help.
Foreign Bodies in the Ear
What are Foreign Bodies in the Ear?
Common foreign bodies that children insert into their ears include pencil erasers, beads and cotton buds - especially from playgrounds. Occasionally, an insect may even crawl into your child's ear, which would be especially painful!
Symptoms of Foreign Bodies in the Ear
Your child may complain of ear discomfort, ear discharge, or even bleeding.
Removal of Foreign Bodies in the Ear
Treatment typically involves a few key steps:
Comprehensive examination to determine the nature of the foreign body
Specialised tools to remove under microscopic visualisation
Dr Valerie Tay's professional, caring, and patient-centric approach aims to restore ear health and improve overall quality of life.
Don't let ENT conditions hold you back.
Connect with us at Aspire ENT clinic today, and take the first step towards a better quality of life.
If you are experiencing any concerns related to your Ear, Nose, or Throat health, contact us at Aspire Ear, Nose Throat and Snoring Clinic. Dr Valerie Tay is here to help you breathe well, sleep well, eat well, and live well.
Aspire Ear, Nose, Throat and Snoring Clinic
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre #06-10,
3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510
Opening Hours (by appointment only)
Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 4.30 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 12 PM
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Contact Details
Tel: +65 6592 2118
Mobile: +65 9358 8060
Email: enquiry@aspire-ent.com